JaeJoong @ Asia Aid Concert

Posted: October 27, 2008 in Kim Jaejoong
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Just because he’s GORGEOUS and IRRESISTIBLE, I’m gonna post some more pictures of our lovely Jae during the Asia Aid concert. Fellow fangirls, go on and indulge yourself and get ready to be mesmerized again by a heavenly creature by the name of KIM JAEJOONG.

[Credit: as tagged + dnbn + baidu]

Jae’s pretty smile is really TO DIE FOR.

I always love it whenever he smiles. It never fails to brighten up my mood. :D

  1. noriihana says:

    omg he seems to get pretier everyday. Love your blog (^-^) thank u

  2. Elaine says:

    this is the best reward i get after one whole day of pouring through history O.O
    2nd and last photo was absolute Love.
    and i feel energized enough to resume my studying already (:
    thank you! you made my day <33

  3. fara says:

    i second elaine..u really made my day
    n also now im so energetic enough on continuing studying

  4. KimJaeJoongissoadorable says:

    Hi there, thanks for posting those Jaejoong’s pix. I actul. saw them somewhere. Love his pix alot. I can’t say any words besides AMAZING. How can he grow into so beautiful/handsome(JJ prefered) today. I can’t help typing my admiring words here. : )

    Kim Jaejoong is so adorable.

  5. lovetohateme says:

    @ noriihana: thanks for visiting my blog, too! =)

    @ Elaine: i’m glad that i helped you have your most needed “push” to study. hahaha. :D

    @ fara: don’t thank me. i just posted pics of jaejoong. no big deal. rest assured i’ll post more if beautiful pictures of him will be available in the future. =)

    @ KimJaeJoongissoadorable: your username says it all! lol.

  6. SilentPixie says:

    AWWWW! The 2nd pic is <33 How can someone NOT go AWWW when they see that? lol

    OMG! The 8th pic describes him… SMOKIN’ HOT! It looks like smoke is emanating from him! lol

  7. lovetohateme says:

    ^^ i love that 2nd pic, too! that’s actually one of my favorite pics of Jae (in the adorable category, that is. LOL). he’s just the cutest thing, right? :D

  8. RenasJae says:

    WOW…I love how he keeps reinventing his looks. Out of all the pictures that I have seen I think that he looks the most beautiful in these pictures. Thank you for posting these pictures of him.

  9. lovetohateme says:

    ^^ welcome. =)

  10. Anonymous says:

    so cool

  11. CaritOo - Chan! says:

    I Love you Kim Jaejoong!

  12. itanadean says:

    Thank you 4 posting! You made my day >D
    This hair style, hair colour, this smile of his – plain perfect! My eyes can’t get tired of him… So handsome, so vibrant, so beautiful… >Q…

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