The second appearance of DBSK on Music Station was aired today. Just like during their first guesting, they only had a short interview and then they performed “Stand by U”. I couldn’t understand what they were saying but I’m definitely sure Junsu recited another oyaji gag that sent the members and even the other guests (members of Arashi were LOL-ing behind him) into a fit of laughter. Hahaha.

Their performance of “Stand by U” was good (plus JaeJoong looked extra gorgeous) but why was it SO SHORT? It could have been better if Music Station let their guest artists sing a little bit longer. T_T

[Video credit: fs320dzy]

  1. dunadan says:

    It is because today’s MS was focused on Fukuyama Masaharu who is celebrating 20 years as a singer and they even had a top-10 songs countdown VTR of his past performances so that took up a lot of time than usual.

  2. longtailedmonkey says:

    Kyaaness!!!! Gosh… I’d seriously love to get hold of this episode. I mean, both Arashi and Tohoshinki are there! I really really like them!!!

    ah… DBSK fit in well there… good to see that. glad.

    Hahahaha….. I’m gonna go find a way to download this episode!

  3. eyeknee says:

    I love Tohoshinki and Masha in the same show~!!!! I MUST download the whole show right now! heheee :P

  4. lovetohateme says:

    @ dunadan: I see. Thanks for the info! :D

    @ longtailedmonkey: Hahaha. Yeah, the boys looked more relaxed compared to last time they were there. :D

    @ eyeknee: :D

  5. Remee says:

    ahhhh I only found arashi & Tohoshinki’s part
    I want to watch fukuyama’s part too
    mm do u know where i can find the whole eps ? *_*

    I loved how arashi were having fun listening to Tohoshinki talking
    nino & jun esp XD

  6. lovetohateme says:

    @ Remee: Sorry but I don’t know where to find the whole episode. I only found the DBSK cut.

  7. Remee says:

    ehh sadly Y_Y
    thanks for replaying ; )

  8. lovetohateme says:

    @ Remee: You’re welcome. If ever I see a link to the whole episode, I’ll let you know. :D

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