JaeJoong’s real birthday is on the 4th of February

Posted: February 5, 2009 in Kim Jaejoong, U-Know Yunho
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I just read an info right now that Jae’s real birth date is February 4 and not January 26. This is supposedly according to his mother who posted this piece of info on her blog. According to his biological mom’s blog entry last January, JaeJoong was born on the 4th of February but she decided to change it to January 26. It was said (I’m not sure if it was by his biological mom or just some people who are speculating) that it was changed into another date because February 4 means bad luck.

Apart from this, there is also news that Yunho’s brithday is also not February 6, which is the date we all know, but rather it is on the 16th of February. This news has still no basis though (unlike Jae’s where it came directly from his biological mom) so I’m still 70% doubtful of this one.

Anyway, I’m seriously confused with all of these “two birthday” issues. Why do they love to have so many birthdays??? I know it’s fun to celebrate many birthdays and receive gifts but this is really getting confusing. I don’t know what to believe anymore. But I guess I’ll stick with Jae’s birthday being January 26 since it’s the one where he actually celebrates it. *Sigh*

**EDIT: For those who are asking/doubtful about blog of JaeJoong’s mom, CHECK THIS OUT and decide for yourself.

  1. Kai says:

    Here is a question, what is her URL for the blog. She is writing this blog for Jae fans to read but no one is releasing the URL.

    Does anyone know it.

  2. Orange&Red says:

    I’ve seen this news everywhere. I wonder if its reliable enough or just a rumor. The thing is how do we know for sure it’s really his mom’s blog? And like someone said, where is it?

    And I find it funny how Yunho suddenly had two bdays right after this news/rumor ’bout Joogie started to spread. Some people just have too much time on their hands, I guess XD

    Well, I think, just like you, I’ll stick with Jan 26 (unless there is any confirmation from JJ himself)

  3. Jeannie says:

    “to her mother” … lol :P typo!

    I was shocked when i heard this last night from other sources… I wonder how Jae is feeling right now? I guess Feb 4th it is!

  4. lovetohateme says:

    @ Kai: I don’t know the URL too. People who know it doesn’t want to reveal the blog address. But I think Cassies know it… well at least I bet they do.

    @ Orange&Red: I don’t know if it is reliable either but what I do know is that his mom really has a blog. It was the same blog where she revealed everything about Jae’s adoption. But still, I don’t know the URL.

    @ Jeanne: Oops! I didn’t notice that! Hahaha! Yeah, that’s definitely a typo error. I didn’t mean to use “her” instead of “his”. *hides from pretty Jae* LOL. I’ll edit it later when I get home from work. Thanks for pointing that out! :D Well, as for me I’ll stick with January 26th unless of course Jae says it’s otherwise. Hahaha.

  5. meee says:

    omggg, from what i know/rmr, that’s 3/5 members from dbsk have 2 birthdates. mann, why do they do this?

    no offense, iunno why, but its kinda hard for me to imagine her using the computer and saying all this on her blog..

  6. mizuna says:

    lol XD

  7. f says:

    according to a chinese friend

    ‘two-four’ sounds like ‘drying easily’

    i guess hyung finally became a woman

  8. Anonymous says:

    @f: that’s what i was thinking too – that they probably changed it because it might sound like something bad. if u say “two-four” in canto/mandarin (more like canto) it sounds like “die easily..”

  9. Hakimah says:

    about yunho 16 febuary..well i think last time on 2006 really long i saw on wikiepdia hen i typed dbsk yunho’s birthday was on 16 febuary but then when i chekced it again it changes into 6 febuary.. before that i thought his birthdate was on 16 but after that second check i found out suddenly they changed back to 6 febuary.. gosh really is confusing..
    well now I know Jaejoong’s birthday on 4 Febuary..

  10. j+s says:

    r u goys sure thats hero’s real birthday??
    i need to know

  11. j+s says:


  12. lovetohateme says:

    @ j+s: That’s what his biological mom says so I guess it’s true. Although Jae still uses January 26 as his birth date.

  13. sugun says:

    WHAT?? 4th feb!!!!!!!!!!!! same as mine^^

  14. mely says:

    wow if yunho birthday is 16 feb it’s before my birthday in a day and changmin’s birthday is after mine in a day wow this is awesome also jaejoong is in the same month as me this is really cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Nakimi - Naoki says:

    is Yunho’s Birthday is really February 16 then lol its a day after my half birthday~~~ XD which makes me really happy~~ lol XD n its around Valentines day too :O

  16. Nakimi - Naoki says:

    *if i meant *if XD

  17. Iris says:

    this would be so cool if it was true, because my birthday is Feb. 4th!!
    which i guess is bad luck xD
    but still haha

  18. D Octavia Joong says:

    Why Jae Joong Is having same birthday date with Yoo Chun?!!!!!!!!!

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